
Classes are on Wednesday evenings, less holidays and special events, and alternate between Bitchuden Takenouchi-ryu kobudo and Muso Jikiden Eishin-ryu iai. You can elect to do both systems or just one. Classes alternate each week for a total of two each per month.  For training in both systems, $30/month. For just one, $15/month. The fees cover insurance and rent.


6:30-8:15 pm Wednesday nights.


Honolulu Myohoji Mission
2003 Nuuanu Avenue
Honolulu, Hawaii 96817


For Takenouchi-ryu:

White keikogi (training “gi”).

For Muso Jikiden Eishin-ryu:

Keikogi and hakama
Saya-bokuto (wooden sword and plastic scabbard)
Eventually, you will need to obtain an iaito, a metal training sword.